
As we move through topics I will share more about my family and background.
If you are familiar with ACEs, Adverse Childhood Experiences, I am an over-comer of 10 out of 10. I share these stats because struggling, trauma, neglect, and abuse are all things I have personally experienced as a child and as an adult. However, you can choose to overcome despite the odds too. Oh, my stats would say I am likely to have mental issues and at a high risk of suicide, pulmonary issues increase by 120%, heart issues, substance abuse issues…. all kinds of life shortening issues. BUT GOD changes everything when I see things through His perspective. I chased after healing, hope, and love and found it as a young child in Him. Most have not been that lucky but you can be.
You will notice that here at Love N Grace we are not about adding another label… our goal is to listen to your story and help you work through ISSUES. This mean we want to empower you to be who you’re created to be. We will listen to your story, how it made you FEEL, what it made you BELIEVE about YOU! Then help you discover WHO YOU ARE despite the issues. Most importantly WHO GOD created you to be.
You will hear me use the phrase “FAMILIAR NORMAL”. This means that the ISSUES you have had, often as a young child, and what you feel and believe about yourself because of them, maybe self-harming or wrong. You may even know this already but find yourself unable to change things. It may even feel like you don’t want to. The house I grew up in was very violent, negative, and often I felt invisible. The example of love I seen and how to cope with life’s tragedies and hurts was a subliminal lesson that led me down the wrong path as an adult. I married my high school sweetheart. Although I can tell you today that there were plenty of red flags, I didn’t see them because his behavior and love language was familiar and normal to me. I am kind, forgiving, empathetic, and wanted my own little family. Getting married was what girls did back then plus I wanted out of my parent’s house. I fought long and hard for our marriage, almost 40 years, but being in a narcissistic relationship was not something I could fix. So, with the encouragement of our Love N Grace team, my family doctor, and my pastoral counselor, I decided to start taking care of me. You can find love, hope, and be an over-comer too.
Despite the marriage issues I was able to become a mom. My two daughters each are unique and wonderfully made. They either have learned or are learning to work through their issues. My youngest is very bright, diagnosed “gifted” with emotional issues. Her newest diagnosis is narcolepsy which explains so much. But yet again, my heart sunk to hear the news. If I asked you right now what your issues or heartaches are, I bet you could name more than one.
It seems I am always advocating for her with family, legally, in clubs, school, medical, and life. Because she can get good grades people want to ignore all the other issues, like the amount of time it takes her to finish things. Between her social anxiety, emotional issues, executive functions issues, sensory issues, and narcolepsy life is very difficult for her.
My counselor recently said, what if fighting for her never ends? What if she can’t go to college? Then what is your plan? Well that wasn’t encouraging and took me by surprise since I can only focus on today and let tomorrow worry about itself. Kind of, I have to look into the future too. I was driving home from an overnight and all-day observation with my daughter, I was exhausted emotionally and physically. I looked at her sitting in the seat next to me and said, “God why does she struggle so much, why is she so broken”? Tears welled up in my eyes and I heard, “because she is going to do great things”. Well, two thoughts here and the first was, “really? How?”. Then the second was, “ok you’re God and I am not. You know the lives she will impact for Your Kingdom and I may, never know. It’s okay because you love her and want the best for her more than I will ever know. Okay, okay… you got this”. Then I pray, “God? I need you”.
As you well know you still must take care of you and allow time to be all that God created you to be, find time to rest and renew.
It is my desire to share with you how to still take care of you while being a caregiver. Along the way I will share my struggles, losses and wins! After all, every victory, and moment of joy is to be celebrated for me just like I would do for others that I care for.
You are invited to care for yourself, one webinar at a time, when it’s convenient for you. New topics added all the time. You’re encouraged to look for ones in the areas you feel your need most then take part in others as they all will have things to challenge your thinking, encourage, and inspire you; even practical tools and worksheets to help.
Once you purchase a video lesson from our website you will be emailed an Access Code that will allow you to watch the video as often as you would like. All purchased lessons are for a single user only and copyrighted.
If you find yourself ready to do some one-on-one time with an Encourager from our team, you can schedule private sessions too.
Each time you download a webinar your donation will help support children and adults in all the programs of Love N Grace Healing Centers.